Lee And Dean Episodes 1 and 2 – The DVDfever Review

Lee And Dean

Lee and Dean are childhood friends and cockney builders who prank each other for ‘bantz’ (i.e. banter) whilst doing occasional pieces-to-camera mixed in with the fly-on-the-wall-style comedy but, The Office this is not.

Miles Chapman, who produced and co-wrote this, gives himself the lead role of Lee, who has a girlfriend, Nikki (Camille Ucan), the relationship having fractured their friendship to the point where, erm…. Dean can’t get a space on the sofa… erm… wow.

The main man also has a number of women on the go including Mrs Bryce-D’Souza, i.e. Pippa (Anna Morris), which spawns a non-joke where Dean (Mark O’Sullivan, also the director and co-writer) has to pretend he’s seeing her just to avoid his friend splitting up with Nikki.

It’s mostly full of jokes that don’t so much fail to land, but which hit the runway and crash into the sea on the other side, such as, referring to Lee holding a bowling ball, as “having a couple of big balls”. So, I get an idea of where this is going but it just doesn’t really seem to work.

I had a couple of slight laughs such as when Dean tried to break up with a certain someone and did it badly, then suddenly a small girl appears out of nowhere and tells him, “You don’t know how to break up with someone? Just text them(!)”, as well as the wonderful but underused Perry Benson doing surprisingly better with the ladies than you’d expect!

For some reason, Channel 4 haven’t put up a trailer online, but there’s one of a number of their previous sketch videos online below, which is very sweary and also includes a distasteful moment, also used in the programme, where a man in a wheelchair is patted on the head and has his hair ruffled by Dean.

Lee and Dean begins tonight at 10pm on Channel 4. Once broadcast, it will be on All4, and it is available to pre-order on DVD, ahead of the release date of May 7th.

Lee And Dean – Series Trailer – Channel 4

Episode 1 and 2 Score: 1/10

Director: Mark O’Sullivan
Producer: Miles Chapman
Writers: Miles Chapman, Mark O’Sullivan and Sam Underwood

Lee: Miles Chapman
Dean: Mark O’Sullivan
Nikki: Camille Ucan
Mrs. Bryce-D’Souza: Anna Morris
Nightmare: Eoin McSorley
Sheets: Sean Miller
Little Dean: Sam Underwood
Brock: Kieran Hill
Steph: Zoe Watkins
Midnight: Jason Barnett
Terry: Perry Benson
Yorkie: Dan Bramall
Corrrine: Stuart Clark
Lynn: Natalie Gordon
Mr. Cabott-Silk: Martyn Jolly
Shitty Mick: Mark Sharp
Maz Nolan: Victoria Bush
Kevin Fry-Darroch: Adam Lannon
Colin Eggs: Andrew Nash
Jan: Lucy Trodd
Jonty: Ramon Tikaram
