November 30th 2000:

news page picNovember 30th :Playboy present: Jodi Ann Paterson on DVD…

For the rest of the week we’ll be taking a look (in depth? 🙂 atthree recent DVDs from Playboy, continuing with Jodi Ann Paterson,no relation to Pogo and she is the Playmate of the Year 2000. The discalso includes footage of Miss December 1999, Brooke Richards.

Playboy: Jodi Ann Patersonis online and out on DVD now.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum.

news page picMen in Black revisited on DVD…

One of this year’s most-packed DVDs, when it was released we only had thefirst disc of the 2-disc edition. We’ve just received the Collector’s Editionwhich contains almost all of the remaining extras and a breakdown of themare now included in the review.

Men in Blackis online and out on DVD now.

Got something to say about this DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum

news page picNovember 29th :Take a trip to your Final Destination on DVD…

Can premonitions ever come true? Alex Browning finds it happens in spadesto him and his classmates in this film.

Final Destinationis online and out on DVD now.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum.

news page picPlayboy present: Sammy Jessop on DVD…

For the rest of the week we’ll be taking a look (in depth? 🙂 atthree recent DVDs from Playboy, starting off with Adult Channel host,Sammy Jessop.

Playboy: Sammy Jessopis online and out on DVD now.

Got something to say about this DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum

news page picNovember 28th :He writes the songs. It’s Barry Manilow live on DVD…!

30 live musicians! 24 top hits! One amazing night! – it says here. Could itbe magic though?

Manilow Live!is online and out on DVD now.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum.

news page picHe’s no pipsqueak, but he is Stuart Little on DVD…

Early last month we brought you the review of the Special Edition of theRegion 2 DVD release for the one about the little mouse who struck it big.It’s released this week so we thought it was worth giving another airingon here.

Stuart Littleis online and out on DVD now.

Got something to say about this DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum

news page picNovember 27th :Modern Life is Rubbish, except for The Best of Blur on DVD…

90 minute of Britpop tunes spanning the first 22 tracks of their career.

The Best of Bluris online and out on DVD now.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum.

news page picThis is Spinal Tap. Is it the ultimate edition on DVD…?

Regular DVDfever reviewer Mark Bubien checks to seeif this new Special Edition DVD will help his amplifier go “one louder”.

There’s also a doff of the cap to the Region 2 release from DVDfever Dom.

This is Spinal Tapis online and out on DVD now.

Got something to say about this DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum

news page picCOMMENT: BBC Digital TV Picture Quality…

It’s time to have a whinge about TV and I have three things which recentlyhave got my goat, the first of which is…

I don’t often watch BBC TV via ONdigital, so am targeting this mainly atthe output via SkyDigital.

No channel is perfect, but BBC’s digital TV pictures used to be very good.Then over the summer they turned to shit while they had an “experiment” anddropped the bitrate through the floor, which was obviously an experimentjust trying to see how many people they could annoy over a set period of time.

When the Olympics arrived in mid-September, they increased the bitrateslightly, but it’s still not what it used to be and is painfully obvious,particularly during a grim-looking soap opera like Eastenders, andMy Family, whose ‘fake film’ effect just sends the artifacts into overdrive.

It’s time to send a message to the BBC because those who make the decisionsjust aren’t listening and think the current bitrate and picture quality isadequate, when it’s clearly not.

I’m planning to keep an eye on the forum here to see the debate that israised and then get in touch with national press and complain throughthem since Watchdog are hardly going to have a pop at their own channel?

Any other thoughts, so all suggestions will be considered but all of uswatching are paying them the licence fee and they’re skimping on bitrateso they can cram more channels in.

Have your say on this topic on theTalk Talk Forum

news page picCOMMENT: BBC “DOG”s the picture on Digital TV…

For the second TV whinge, it’s time to complain about “DOG”s, ie.”Digitally-Originated Graphics”. See that smudge in the corner of Channel 5,for example ? That’s a D.O.G. and as more and more TV channels are appearingthey think they need more of them, despite the fact that for Digital TVreception your digibox TELLS you what channel you’re watching, making themcompletely unnecessary.

Things have got worse lately. News 24 now have separate DOGs in three cornersof the screen, making it look like you’re watching through the head-up displayof a fighter pilot’s jet. That and BBC Choice (England), in addition to thename of the channel onscreen, also have the website address (URL) online too.

BBC Choice Wales used to do this but has dumped the URL and just gone backto the name alone. BBC Choice Scotland and N.Ireland have no obliterationswhatsoever, but if you’re watching a show such as Liquid News, theword “LIVE” is placed onscreen after where you’d normally find the BBC Choicename. For those without this, it looks like the “LIVE” is floating in themiddle of the screen or tattooed on Christopher Price’s head!

It’s madness and it must be stopped.

Lee fromDVD Debatehas given me permission to reprint this email which depicts a couple ofreplies to and from someone andit highlights the point perfectly.

Again, I am inviting comments online to this topic, and the full transcriptof Lee’s email can be found on theTalk Talk Forum

Have your say on this topic on theTalk Talk Forum

news page picCOMMENT: ITV: More adverts and in the wrong place…

For those not in the know, ITV are resurrecting the News at Ten from Januaryand for reasons best known to themselves, the ITC have allowed this whileallowing ITV to INCREASE the adverts per hour from 8 minutes to 12 minutes,which means there are FOUR advert breaks per hour-long show instead ofTHREE, or at least there should be.

However, what they are doing is showing all the adverts DURING a programmeand removing any adverts BETWEEN the programmes.

The following is a letter I’ve sent to Granada’s duty officer(s) which Ihope will resolve this.


“Dear Sir or Madam,

It’s becoming increasingly annoying and frequent that programmes are havingtoo many adverts shoved into the middle of them so that there are NONEbetween the actual programmes themselves, which means that an episode ofCold Feet including adverts runs for 62 minutes.

This makes it really annoying if I’m trying to put four hours of Cold Feeton a tape without taking out the adverts.

I would wait until the DVD comes out if I knew that Granada Media couldactually get things right and release it in anamorphic widescreen and NOTcrop it to 4:3.”

If and when I receive a reply to this I shall report back here, but I wouldlike to get opinion from anyone around the country, including the Granadaregion from where I am watching, on this issue.

Have your say on this topic on theTalk Talk Forum

news page picCOMPETITION WINNERS: The Manchurian Candidate on DVD…

Thanks to everyone who entered. The winners areJon Burton, Anthony Arthurs, Richard McAuliffe, Thomas McGowanand Dominic Fenn and I have passed their details to MGM’s PR companyfor despatch of the prize, a copy of the film on DVD.

A review ofThe Manchurian Candidateis also online.

Is there an independent mess destined for the No.1 slot…?

To find out – and to see last week’s chart – visit mymusic chart analysis page

What do you think of the state of the charts? Why not discuss it onthe newTalk Talk Forum.

New DVDs out this week

I’ll resume this feature when I get chance to update the DVD list fully.I’m looking to take a week off early next month and do it then.

news page picSee DVDfever Dom’s reviews in Home Cinema Choice…

Regular readers of Home Cinema Choice can two more of my DVD reviewsin the latest issue (December 2000).

Take a look at: I.D. and Next Friday.

Also, for those with the November 2000 issue, read my reviews for:The Searchers, War of the Worlds, A Night at the Roxbury,Memphis Belle and Dolores Claiborne.

VisitHome Cinema Choice Onlinenow.

news page picNovember 26th :Catherine Zeta Jones gets a Haunting on DVD…

Released tomorrow:

Speed director Jan de Bont takes the reins for this remakeof the 1963 thriller, but with superb SFX and Dolby Digital 5.1 momentsof demo quality. Liam Neeson, Catherine Zeta Jones and LiliTaylor star.

The Hauntingis online and out on DVD from tomorrow.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum.

news page picNovember 25th :Crash! Bang! Wallop! Deep Impact on DVD…

Released Monday:

A comet’s about to hit the Earth and only a million people will be allowedto survive in a film starring Tea Leoni, Robert Duvall, Elijah Woodand Morgan Freeman as the President.

Deep Impactis online and out on DVD from Monday.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum.

news page picThe PS2: Expect a review soon…

After speaking to Sony yesterday, we’re hoping to briefly obtain a console forreview either next week or the week after – and I’m off from the weekafter next for just a week so will have more time to salivate over itsdelights!

More news as and when it arrives.

news page picNovember 24th :Are you ready to play with a new Tweenies DVD…?

Combining two features, Animal Friends and Party Games, Laughs andGiggles, this DVD contains a whole two-hours of entertainment for kidsthat they’ll lap up.

Animal Friends & Party Games, Laughs and Gigglesis online and out on DVD now.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum.

news page picSix of the best from James Bond on Region 1 DVD…

Regular DVDfever reviewer Mark Bubien takes six of theBond films, all released as the third boxset in the USA, including a Top 10of reasons why James Bond isn’t gay.

James Bond Boxset No.3is online and out now.

Got something to say about this DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum

news page picThe PS2: To review or not to review…?

Out today, it’s the most powerful games console since the last one, and hereat DVDfever we’ve been trying to get hold of one in advancefor the past few months, last week being told that review models shouldbe available late this week.

We’re hoping to obtain one on a long-term basis so we can provide reviewsof many forthcoming PS2 titles, but apparently at the moment there’s just asingle console doing the “review tour of Britain”, with each organisationgetting to grips with it for just a single day.

As soon as we have one we shall let you know. Keep your eyes peeled in themeantime.

news page picNovember 23rd :Is it because I is Ali G on DVD…

Released this week :

100 minutes containing a compilation of clips from his last Channel 4 series,including half-an-hour of unseen material.

Ali G, Aiiiis online and out on DVD now.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum.

news page picWise up for The Mod Squad on DVD…

Regular DVDfever reviewer Jason Maloney returns witha look at this film about an undercover police outfit starring Claire Danes,Giovanni Ribisi and Omar Epps.

The Mod Squadis online and out now.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum

news page picIs it better than Star Wars? Titan A.E. on Region 1 DVD…

Fox said if you likedStar Warsyou’d like this. Why did they shut down their animation department uponthis film’s release then? Regular DVDfever reviewerMark Bubien finds out.

Titan online and out now.

Got something to say about this DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum

news page picNovember 22nd :Robbie Williams goes Where Egos Dare on DVD…

The Slaine concert, behind the scenes on his new album, the Rock DJ videoand more.

Robbie Williams: Where Egos Dareis online and out on DVD now.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum.

news page picA TV tuner, digital VCR and MP3 encoder all in one…

Released by 3dfx, we take a look at this product, which costs just a pennyunder a ton – making it a quarter of the cost of a TiVo – but does it havethe same functionality?

3dfx VoodooTV FMis online and out now.

Got something to say about this product ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum

news page picCall for a Taxi on DVD…

Regular DVDfever reviewer Jason Maloney returns witha look a film written by Luc Besson, director of the recent Joan of Arc: The Messenger.

Taxiis online and out now.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum

news page picCall him Snake. Call him Plissken. Escape From New York on Region 1 DVD…

DVDfever reviewer Mark Bubien returns witha review of the classic John Carpenter original film with SnakePlissken (Kurt Russell) risking life and limb to save the President.

Escape From New Yorkis online and out now.

Got something to say about this DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum

news page picNovember 21st :Gladiator: Special Edition out today…

Released today :

Ridley Scott‘s Roman epic is now transferred to the small screen onDVD, but do Russell Crowe et al pull enough weight?

Gladiatoris online and out on DVD now.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum.

news page picNovember 20th :Reservoir Dogs: Unleashed on DVD…

Released today :

Banned for a time on video, then eventually released, Quentin Tarantino‘sclassic finally gets the digital treatment it’s been waiting for.

Reservoir Dogsis online and out on DVD now.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum.

news page picLenny Kravitz unveils his Greatest Hits on CD…

Regular DVDfever reviewer Jason Maloney returns witha look at Lenny Kravitz‘s compilation which covers the past ten yearsof his career.

Lenny Kravitz: Greatest Hitsis online and out now.

Got something to say about this CD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum

news page picCOMPETITION TIME: Win The Manchurian Candidate on DVD…

Check out the competition page (by clicking on the picture) for a chance towin a copy of this Frank Sinatra film on DVD.

The competition closes on Friday November 24th.

A review ofThe Manchurian Candidateis also online.

news page picCOMPETITION WINNER: X-Files Season 1 Boxset on DVD…

Thanks to everyone who entered. The winner is Alex Slaterand I shall pass their details to Fox’s PR company for despatch of theprize, a complete set of Season 1 on DVD.

Sadly, we haven’t yet received a review copy of the boxset so cannot commenton the quality, but as soon as we do we shall let you know.

news page picSee DVDfever Dom’s reviews in Home Cinema Choice…

Regular readers of Home Cinema Choice can read five of my DVD reviewsin the latest issue (November 2000).

Take a look at: The Searchers, War of the Worlds, A Night at the Roxbury,Memphis Belle and Dolores Claiborne.

VisitHome Cinema Choice Onlinenow.

You can’t fight the crap at the top of the charts…

But can LeAnn Rimes? To find out – and to see last week’s chart – visit mymusic chart analysis page

What do you think of the state of the charts? Why not discuss it onthe newTalk Talk Forum.

New DVDs out this week

I’ll resume this feature when I get chance to update the DVD list fully.I’m looking to take a week off early next month and do it then.

news page picNovember 19th :Milla Jovovich portrays Joan of Arc DVD…

Released this week :

Burnt at the stake on 1431 at just 19 years of age, the female answer toJames Anderton used her messages from God in a bid to defeat the English.The film also stars John Malkovich, Faye Dunaway and Dustin Hoffmanas the voice of her conscience.

Joan of Arc: The Messengeris online and out on DVD now.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum.

news page picNovember 17th :Stallone returns, again, as Rambo III on DVD…

Released this week :

The 80s was the time of action hero John Rambo. Now at the end of the weekwe take a look at the last film in in the trilogy to find outwhat makes the Vietnam veteran tick.

Rambo IIIis online and out on DVD now.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum.

news page picDo not trust this man. Trigger Happy TV on DVD…

Released this week :

The excellent Dom Joly brings you a compilation of the first seriesof his ‘Candid Camera’-style series, plus archive footage and the ComedyLab clips from Channel 4.

Trigger Happy TV: Best of Series Oneis online and out on DVD now.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum.

news page picNovember 16th :Stallone returns as Rambo: First Blood Part 2 on DVD…

Released this week :

The 80s was the time of action hero John Rambo. Until the end of the weekwe shall be taking a look at each of the films in the trilogy to find outwhat makes the Vietnam veteran tick.

Rambo: First Blood Part 2is online and out on DVD now.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum.

news page picIt’s romantic-comedy time in Down To You on DVD…

Released next week :

First love is a pain for everyone, especially Freddie Prinze Jrand Julia Stiles in this comedy released by Film Four.

Down To Youis online and out on DVD now.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum.

news page picNovember 15th :Enjoy the delights of Aardman Classics on DVD…

In the beginning was the word and the word was Wallace & Gromit, but alsoaround were many a short film from Aardman Animations which have been broughttogether on one DVD.

Aardman Classicsis online and out on DVD now.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum.

news page picStallone makes his mark in the first of The Rambo Trilogy on DVD…

Released this week :

The 80s was the time of action hero John Rambo. Over the next three dayswe shall be taking a look at each of the films in the trilogy to find outwhat makes the Vietnam veteran tick.

First Bloodis online and out on DVD now.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum.

news page picNovember 14th :Lay about AGAIN with The Royle Family Series 2 on DVD…

Released this week :

Watching TV is all they did in series one, so why change things for thesequel?

The Royle Family Series 2is online and out on DVD now.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum.

news page picJamie Oliver on DVD. How nice (!)…

Released this week :

It’s bad enough he’s on TV all the time, but does he really need to gracemy favourite digital format?

Jamie Oliver: The Naked Chef Series 1is online and out on DVD now.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum.

news page picNovember 13th :Lay about with The Royle Family Series 1 on DVD…

Released this week :

Watching TV is all they do, for the large proportion of the series, so whyis it such an engaging watch?

The Royle Family Series 1is online and out on DVD now.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum.

news page picThey’re Coyote’s, and anything BUT Ugly in the cinema…

A dippy singer-songwriter (Piper Perabo) tries to make it big in NewYork. The plot is contrived, but the girls are gorgeous. Is there any surprisesto be found within?

Coyote Uglyis online and out in the cinema now.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum.

news page picWhat’s the story for The Manchurian Candidate on DVD from today…

Released today :

“If you come in five minutes after this picture begins, you won’t knowwhat it’s all about! And when you’ve seen it all, you’ll swear there’s neverbeen anything like it.”, says the advertising blurb in the trailer, so I’mnot going to tell you. You’ll have to read the review to find out.

The Manchurian Candidateis online and out on DVD now.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum.

COMPETITION TIME: Win The Manchurian Candidate on DVD…news page pic

Check out the competition page (by clicking on the picture) for a chance towin a copy of this Frank Sinatra film on DVD.

The competition closes on Friday November 24th.

A review ofThe Manchurian Candidateis also online.

COMPETITION TIME: Win X-Files Season 1 Boxset on DVD…news page pic

Check out the competition page (by clicking on the picture) for a chance towin a copy of the entire first season of The X-Files on DVD.

The competition closes on Friday November 17th.

Sadly, we haven’t yet received a review copy of the boxset so cannot commenton the quality, but as soon as we do we shall let you know.

news page picSee DVDfever Dom’s reviews in Home Cinema Choice…

Regular readers of Home Cinema Choice can read five of my DVD reviewsin the latest issue (November 2000).

Take a look at: The Searchers, War of the Worlds, A Night at the Roxbury,Memphis Belle and Dolores Claiborne.

VisitHome Cinema Choice Onlinenow.

They may be at the top, but is the quality A1…?

To find out – and to see last week’s chart – visit mymusic chart analysis page

What do you think of the state of the charts? Why not discuss it onthe newTalk Talk Forum.

New DVDs out this week

I’ll resume this feature when I get chance to update the DVD list fully.I’m looking to take a week off early next month and do it then.

news page picNovember 12th :A typical Sunday film: Breakfast at Tiffany’s on DVD…

Released this week :

A romantic comedy with Audrey Hepburn as Holly Golightly andGeorge Peppard as her neighbour, it’s the kind of film your motherloves.

Breakfast at Tiffany’sis online and out on DVD now.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum.

news page picTiger Toys announce the Christmas Poo-chi…

Thanks to Tiger Electronics for the following info.

ClickHEREfor the full Christmas Poo-chi press release.

news page picEidos announce 102 Dalmatians, Project IGI and Timeline…

ClickHEREfor the full 102 Dalmatians, Project IGI and Timeline press release.

news page picNovember 11th :John Travolta puts the case forward in A Civil Action on DVD…

Released this week :

It’s a compelling courtroom dramabased on a true story starring John Travolta as lawyer Jan Schlichtmann,one of three members of a small Boston practice who work on a no-win no-feebasis where every penny counts. Self-made businesses haven’t got time for the”little guy” and Anne Anderson (Kathleen Quinlan) brings him a casewhere kids are dying through pollutants in the water.

A Civil Actionis online and out on DVD now.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum.

news page picNovember 10th :John Travolta investigates the death of The General’s Daughter on DVD…

Released this week :

It’s thriller time, with John Travolta and Madeleine Stowelooking into a murder where corruption is rife.

Check back over the weekend for a look at Travolta’s excellent legalcourtroom drama, A Civil Action.

The General’s Daughteris online and out on DVD now.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum.

news page picJack finds himself in Clear and Present Danger on DVD…

Released this week :

This week all three parts of the Jack Ryan trilogy have been released andtoday, we look at the third and final film about CIA agent Jack Ryan, takingin Colombian drug lords and also starring Willem Dafoe.

Clear and Present Dangeris online and out on DVD now.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum.

Creative announce the WebCam Plus…

Thanks to Max at Prodigy PR for the following info.

ClickHEREfor the full WebCam Plus press release.

news page picNovember 9th :Sean Bean goes into the Gulf in Bravo Two Zero on DVD…


Released this week :

War is hell, especially for Andy McNab (Sean Bean) and his men whobreak into Northern Iraq to blow up Saddam’s Scuds and become encarceratedor killed themselves.

Bravo Two Zerois online and out on DVD now.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum.

Jack’s back in Patriot Games on DVD…


Released this week :

This week all three parts of the Jack Ryan trilogy have been released andtoday, we look at the second film about CIA agent Jack Ryan, but the firstto star Harrison Ford with an enemy in Sean Bean.

Patriot Gamesis online and out on DVD now.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum.

news page picBBC Children’s DVDs schedule update…

November 13th sees the confirmed release date for Tweenies: Animal Friendsand Party Games, Giggles and Laughs, priced £16.99.

December 4th will be a bumper day with the following :

  • Teletubbies: Dance with the Teletubbies / Here Come the Teletubbies: £16.99.
  • Teletubbies: Teletubbies in the Snow / Happy Christmas From the Teletubbies: £16.99.
  • Tweenies: Merry Tweenie Christmas: £16.99.
  • Robbie the Reindeer: £12.99.

Completing the line-up that day will be all three Wallace and Gromitshort films, which will complement Aardman Animations Chicken Run -released by Fox – and Aardman Classics, out this week. Expect reviewsof all of these coming soon.

Creative Commences Shipment of 3D Blaster GeForce2 MX with DDR memory…

Thanks to Rosie at Prodigy PR for the following info.

ClickHEREfor the full Creative Commences Shipment of 3D Blaster GeForce2 MX with DDR memory press release.

Sony cuts PS2 allocation…

Thanks the following info.

ClickHEREfor the full Sony cuts PS2 allocation press release.

news page picNovember 8th :Sean Connery defects in Hunt for Red October on DVD…

Released this week :

This week all three parts of the Jack Ryan trilogy have been released andwe will be taking a look at all of them over the rest of the week, startingwith the first one starring Sean Connery and Alec Baldwin.

Hunt for Red Octoberis online and out on DVD now.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum.

news page picMore power to your elbow with WWF Wrestlemania 2000 on DVD…

Released this week :

The sixteenth in the popular series and the second to get a release on DVD,this particular version runs, with extras, for a full seven hours and twentyminutes!

WWF Wrestlemania 2000is online and out on DVD now.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum.

news page picLook Closer at American Beauty on Region 1 DVD…

DVDfever reviewer Vanessa Forsythe returns witha look at the Oscar-winning hit from first-time director Sam Mendes,and starring Kevin Spacey, Annette Bening and Mena Suvari as ateen-temptress, even though she’s nearly 22 years old.

The Region 2 DVD is released on November 27th and as soon as we receive it,we will let you know how it compares.

American Beautyis online and out on Region 1 DVD now.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum

news page picNovember 7th :Apocalypse Now on DVD…

Released this week :

As I type I’m running late, so no frills, here are two reviews. The firstis Coppola’s war epic :

Apocalypse Nowis online and out on DVD now.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum.

news page picDarkman 3 on DVD…

Released this week :

Arnold Vosloo returns alongside Jeff Fahey inDarkman 3: Die Darkman Diewhich is online and out on DVD now.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum.

news page picNovember 6th :Tim Roth and Tupac Shakur are the junkies in Gridlock’d on DVD…

Released today :

Gridlock’d tells the story of two junkies who decide it’s time to kicktheir drugs habit when their flat-sharing partner, Cookie (Thandie Newton)goes into a coma after taking one too many happy-tabs, but they’ve picked theworst day ever to start – New Year’s Day.

If you’re a Thandie Newton fan, check out the M:I-2 press release listedbelow.

Gridlock’dis online and out on DVD now.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum.

news page picSave Ryan’s Privates on DVD from today…

Released today :

With an excellent cast including Tom Hanks, Tom Sizemore, Matt Damonand Edward Burns, Spielberg’s lengthy war drama has to be seen to bebelieved.

Saving Private Ryanis online and out on DVD now.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum.

news page picIf you’re into 80s music, you’ll like Navaira on CD…

Regular DVDfever reviewer Jason Maloney returns witha look at Entirely by Navaria and if you like the Pet ShopBoys and other synth bands from the 80s era, take a look at this review.

Navaira: Entirelyis online and out now.

Got something to say about this CD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum

COMPETITION TIME: Win X-Files Season 1 Boxset on DVD…news page pic

Check out the competition page (by clicking on the picture) for a chance towin a copy of the entire first season of The X-Files on DVD.

The competitions close on Friday November 17th.

Sadly, we haven’t yet received a review copy of the boxset so cannot commenton the quality, but as soon as we do we shall let you know.

news page picSee DVDfever Dom’s reviews in Home Cinema Choice…

Regular readers of Home Cinema Choice can read five of my DVD reviewsin the latest issue (November 2000).

Take a look at: The Searchers, War of the Worlds, A Night at the Roxbury,Memphis Belle and Dolores Claiborne.

VisitHome Cinema Choice Onlinenow.

New DVDs out this week

  • Andy McNab’s Bravo Two Zero (19.99, BBC)
  • Apocalypse Now (19.99, Paramount)
  • Black Adder II (19.99, BBC)
  • Breakfast at Tiffany’s (19.99, Paramount)
  • A Civil Action (19.99, Paramount)
  • Clear and Present Danger (19.99, Paramount)
  • The Corrs: Lansdowne Road (19.99, Warner Music Vision)
  • Darkman 3: Die Darkman Die (17.99, Universal)
  • Doctor Who: The Robots of Death (19.99, BBC)
  • Five: Live (19.99, BMG)
  • The General’s Daughter (19.99, Paramount)
  • Gridlock’d (17.99, Universal)
  • Hunt for Red October (19.99, Paramount)
  • Jade (19.99, Paramount)
  • Only Fools and Horses: Jolly Boys Outing (19.99, BBC)
  • Patriot Games (19.99, Paramount)
  • Star Trek: Generations (19.99, Paramount)
  • Wallace and Gromit trilogy (19.99, BBC)
  • WWF Wrestlemania 2000 (24.99, Silver Vision)

Can Westlife make it SE7EN No.1s in a row…?

Will they or won’t they? To find out – and to see last week’s chart – visit mymusic chart analysis page

What do you think of the state of the charts? Why not discuss it onthe newTalk Talk Forum.

news page picParamount announce M:I-2 next month…

I’ve yet to receive the press release, but in the meantime, thanks toDVD Reviewerfor the following info :

Paramount Home Video are to release their first day and date title on 11thDecember, the action sequelMission Impossible 2directed by John Woo and starring Tom Cruise, Thandie Newton,Anthony Hopkins and Dougray Scott. It carries theusual retail price of £19.99, but looks to be themost feature rich disc from this studio so far.

It arrives with an anamorphic transfer and 5.1Dolby Digital soundtrack, the 69 minutes of extrasinclude a director’s commentary track, Behind theMission making-of documentary, Mission Incredible stunts featurette,impossible shots, an alternative main title sequence, MTV award showparody, Metallica music video, DVD-ROM content and trailer.

Agent Hunt’s mission is to retrieve and destroy the genetically createddisease Chrimera, whilst contending with international terrorists whohave succeeded in stealing the cure. Heading up the terrorists ispower crazed psychopath Ambrose. Driven by greed and jealousy hethreatens to infect the world with the virus, as they do. To infiltrate hisenemies Hunt must recruit international thief Nyah, as the missionunfolds, Nyah’s life comes to rest in Hunt’s hands and he must find away to protect the one he loves.

Paramount’s December DVD schedule…

Thanks toDVD Reviewerfor the following info :

Election stars Chris Klein, Matthew Broderick andReese Witherspoon in a dark comedy about astudent election. The Firm features Tom Cruise,Gene Hackman and Holly Hunter in a thriller abouta lawyer who ends up working for some dangerous people. The scifihorror Event Horizon stars Laurence Fishburne, Sam Neill, KathleenQuinlan, Sean Pertwee and Joely Richardson.

Another 48 Hours sees the return of Eddie Murphyand Nick Nolte in the comedy action sequel.The Saint is the film version of the 1960s TV series,this time featuring Val Kilmer, Elizabeth Shue,Rade Serbedzija and Valeri Nikolayev. Finally wehave two comedies, Scrooged starring Bill Murray,Robert Mitchum, John Forsythe and Carole Kane.And also cute high school comedy Cluelessfeaturing the debut of Alicia Silverstone, StaceyDash and Brittany Murphy.

No sign of The Ghost and the Darkness yet, which was originallyscheduled for 4th December too. This may have slipped to January,more news when we have it.

What’s your most memorable home entertainment moment…?

Paul Mills has emailed me toask everyone if they can let him know, by clicking on his name.

He’s researching an essay and would like to know everyone’smost memorable home entertainment moment – whether watching TV, video, DVDor listening to radio, music, etc. – requiring numerous humorously,creatively and witty, eloquent answers.

In search of a David Sylvian DVD…

Jan has emailed me as he’s insearch of a compilation of David Sylvian songs on DVD.

He writes :

I know of these videos that has been published by Virgin Recs for commercial purpose Regarding Weatherbox comp there has been released 4 accompanying videos on VHS cassette at the fall of 1989:

  • 1. Red Guitar (1984)
  • 2. Ink in the Well (1984)
  • 3. Silver Moon (1986)
  • 4. Orpheus (1987)

I know also of another 3 single videos releaes during nineties

  • Blackwater (RAIN TREE CROW 1991)
  • Heartbeat (SYLVIAN/SAKAMOTO 1992)
  • Jean the Birdman (SYLVIAN/FRIPP 1993)

And I know of another two at least hat has been broadcasted on TV

  • Pulling Punches (1984)
  • Ti Ho Aspettato (I Have Waited for You 1996)

So 9 videos in total – all of them in colour and source from fine-grain film material.

The videos from 1984 were directed by Anton Corbijn (renown flamish photographer who also did Devotional tour with Depeche Mode)

If you can email, drop him a line by clicking onJan‘s name.

news page picNovember 5th :Jeff Buckley: Live in Chicago on DVD…

Recorded at the Cabaret Metro on May 13th, 1995, during his “Mystery WhiteBoy” tour, this concert took place some two years before Jeff Buckleydied in a tragic drowning incident at the young age of 21 on May 29th, 1997.

Jeff Buckley: Live in Chicagois online and out on DVD now.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum.

news page picNovember 4th :KISS the sky in Detroit Rock City on DVD…

Terminator 2‘s Edward Furlong is the only well-known face in abrilliant comedy where four high-school kids have to get to a KISS concert,but how can they gain entrance with no tickets?

Detroit Rock Cityis online and out on DVD now.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum.

news page picRambo makes his presence felt on DVD from November 13th…

Amongst the new films being released on DVD there’s always time for someclassic back-catalogue explosive mayhem. I first gave the DVD a mention inmid-September when details were creeping out, but now I’ve just receivedthe full press release.

For all the details, click on the followingpress release.

news page picUniversal’s DVD fab four for November…

Two days ago I published details for two of these titles, but now the fullpress releases have arrived for Death Race 2000, The Haunting, Deep Impactand American Beauty.

For all the details, click on the followingpress release.

news page picNovember 3rd :Once Upon a Time in China and America, Jet Li on DVD…

Jet Li stars in a film directed by the star of Martial Law,Sammo Hung, in a tale where martial arts meets the Wild Wild West.

Once Upon a Time in China and Americais online and out on DVD now.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum.

news page picYour chance to be in a pop band…!

Thanks to Sarah-Jane Hacker from10 Managementwho has told us about the chance of a lifetime for the lucky few who will bechosen to feature in a new pop band.

For all the details, click on the followingpress release.

E.T. will be phoning home round your way soon from Tiger Toys…

The endearing alien gets an electronic lease of life in a real form.

ClickHEREfor the full Tiger Toys press release.

news page picNovember 2nd :It’s Not Unusual to find Tom Jones on DVD…

An Audience with Tom Jonesfollows the long tradition of celebrity back-slapping allowing an artist torun through their favourite musical numbers, promote their latest albumand be asked staged questions by various other celebs sitting in front ofthem.

Here, he’s joined on stage by Mick Hucknall, Tommy Scott andCerys Matthews.

An Audience with Tom Jonesis online and out on DVD now.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum.

news page picEiV announce Final Destination on DVD…

It’s released next Monday, November 6th, on DVD, but the press release hasonly just reached us.

As a slight departure, and to minimise the amount of text on the news page,I shall be moving press releases to a separate area.

ClickHEREfor the full Final Destination press release.

Cornwall departs Eidos…

Thanks the info.

ClickHEREfor the full Cornwall departs Eidos press release.

DVD PR round-up…

Thanks to theR2 Projectfor the following info :

Doctor Who DVD date changes

The Doctor Who Restoration Team has a story that “Spearhead from Space” hasnow changed date because of contractural problems with the music. BBC’s PRhave confirmed new dates for the next titles are:

  • Remembrance of the Daleks: 29th January
  • Spearhead from Space: 26th Febraury
  • The Caves of Androzani: 9th of April

Dreamworks announce The Haunting and Deep Impact on DVD

Dreamworks have announced Liam Neeson, Catherine Zeta Jones, Lili Taylor AndOwen Wilson in Jan De Bont’s “The Haunting” for the 27th of November. Thedisk will be widescreen 2.35:1 and will feature a DD 5.1 soundtrack. There is nomention if the picture is anamorphic. Extras for the disk will be:

  • Behind the scenes footage
  • 2 theatrical trailers
  • Cast and film makers biographies
  • Production notes

The disk is distributed through Universal Pictures Video

Dreamworks have announced “Deep Impact” with Morgan Freeman, Tea Leoni andRobert Duvall and executive produced under the watchful eye of the legendarySteven Spielberg, The disk is released through Universal Pictures Video on27th November 2000. The disk will be anamorphic widescreen and will feature aDD 5.1 soundtrack. The only extra is the original theatrical trailer.

For reference both of these disks appear to be identical to the US R1 disks.

news page picNovember 1st :Meet your old friends at the National Lampoon’s Class Reunion on DVD…

Released this week :

After graduation in June, 1972, the class from Lizzie Borden High return tenyears later for more lewd and crude behaviour in THAT film that opens withWalter, the class wimp, being unknowingly “entertained” by his sister in apre-credits sequence.

National Lampoon’s Class Reunionis online and out on DVD now.

Got something to say about this film/DVD ? Have your say on theTalk Talk Forum.

News Archive: April 1999 to last month
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