Facebook newsfeed – copy-and-paste scam

Facebook newsfeed Facebook newsfeed – are you sick of people telling you to copy and paste the same messages? Or shameless attention-seeking, asking you to comment/like their post?

I see this sort of thing all the time, and I made a video about it recently. I hadn’t posted it on here at the time, but I saw another variation of it which is as follows:

    “How to avoid hearing from the same 26 FB friends and nobody else: Here is a post explaining why we don’t see all posts from our friends…
    Newsfeed recently shows only posts from the same few people, about 25, repeatedly the same, because Facebook has a new algorithm.
    Their system chooses the people to read Your post. However, I would like to choose for myself, Therefore, I ask you a favor: if you read this message leave me a quick comment, a “hello”, a sticker, whatever you want, so you will appear in my news feed.
    Otherwise, Facebook chooses who to show me and instead I don’t need facebook to choose my friends!
    Do not hesitate to copy and paste on your wall so you can have more interaction with all your contacts and bypass the system. That’s why we don’t see all posts from our friends.”

Needless to say, this is a load of utter rubbish, and I explain why in this Facebook newsfeed video below:
